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Burton Fields

Our School

At Burton Fields School we strive to provide a caring ethos where everyone within our school community feels safe, confident, valued and respected.

Our high expectations of our pupils help to promote a caring environment where everyone can live and work together in a supportive way.

We recognise the importance of children developing social as well as educational skills, and encourage our pupils to take responsibility and make decisions. This promotes responsible behaviour, encourages self-discipline and gives pupils respect for themselves, for other people and their learning environment.

Together, the community of Burton Fields School will:

  • Raise the attainments, achievements and aspirations of all our children
  • Prepare our children to take their place in society as well-educated and responsible  global citizens

As a school, Burton Fields School will:

  • Provide a caring and nurturing learning environment where each child is valued and able to fulfil their potential
  • Provide an appropriate, balanced curriculum which enables each child to find their talents and prepares them for life in the real world
  • Provide learning tasks suitable for pupils’ ages and abilities which helps them to make good progress
  • Monitor pupils’ progress and provide advice and guidance about their learning, notifying parents promptly of any concerns relating to their child’s progress or conduct
  • Expect high standards of behaviour and promote respect for all
  • Provide effective means of communication between home and school and respond quickly to any enquiries or concerns