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Burton Fields


We are proud to be a GOLD 

'Rights respecting' School

Burton Fields School aims to be a school where every aspect of a child is focused on and developed, including the area of well-being. As part of our school’s aims to promote a happy and successful school, we have worked towards recognition as a Unicef ‘Rights Respecting School’. In November 2019, Burton Fields School was awarded the Silver 'Rights Aware' Award in recognition of how much progress we have made on our journey as a ‘Rights Respecting School’. In June 2022, we were awarded the Gold 'Rights Respecting' Award. You can read our fabulous Gold accreditation report here.

The ‘Rights Respecting School’ Award strategy (RRSA) helps our pupils to grow into confident, caring and responsible young citizens both in school and within the wider community. By learning about their rights our pupils, your children, also learn about the importance of respecting the rights of others.

As a Rights Respecting School we teach the children that they have rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). From this starting point they also learn their responsibility to respect each other’s rights in the community. Rights are not the same as ‘wants’. Rights are the basic human needs and values that should apply to everyone. As Duty Bearers, we recognise that we all have a responsibility to ensure that the children in our care are able to access their universal rights. We also encourage our children to take responsibility for their actions so that they do not prevent others' accessing their rights. 

UNICEF outlines the articles which define these rights in more detail; a child-friendly information leaflet is available here.

To help our children learn about their rights, each month we we focus on a different 'Article of the Month'. These are introduced to the pupils in an assembly led by the Rights Squad, and then all the assemblies delivered by teachers during that month link closely to this to develop everyone's understanding. See our 'Article of the Month' page for more information.