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Relationships, Health and Sex Education 

CCLT Relationships, Health and Sex Education 

CCLT  invited parents to complete our RHSE (Relationships, Health and Sex Education) Parental Consultation questionnaire. The purpose of this consultation was to gather feedback on our proposed CCLT Policy for Relationships, Health and Sex Education and Agreed Curriculum Content that is to be followed by all schools in the Trust. The consultation closed on 26th October 2020.

As a Trust we are committed to working in partnership with all parents and stakeholders within it. We would therefore like to thank all those parents in each of our Trust schools who took the time to complete our survey as your feedback is invaluable as we strive to work together for all our pupils.

We  carefully reviewed all the feedback provided and a summary of the results of our survey can be viewed via the link below. We are very pleased to report that the overall response to our draft Policy and Agreed Curriculum Content was overwhelmingly positive. Therefore, the Policy was approved by the CCLT Board for adoption by all Trust schools, effective from 1st January 2021.

All schools in the Trust  now:

  • Ensure the Trust’s Policy for RHSE and the Agreed Curriculum Content is incorporated appropriately into their own school’s overarching Policy for Personal, Health, Social and Economic (PHSE) Education and make any revisions to the PHSE Policy and schemes of work as necessary
  • Ensure appropriate information is provided to parents to enable them to further understand what their children will be learning about, and how and when this will be delivered in their school, so that parents are able to support their children’s learning and understanding of the PHSE curriculum
  • Ensure parents are provided with the opportunity to review and discuss the lesson content and resources to be used to deliver Sex Education, so that parents can make an informed decision regarding their child’s participation in these lessons and submit a Request to Withdraw Pupil from Sex Education to the Headteacher should they wish to do so (NB. applies to Y6 curriculum only)

We understand that some parents may have personal concerns or questions pertinent to their child’s and/or their own needs and circumstances about some aspects of the RHSE curriculum. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s school if you do, as the Headteacher or PHSE Leader of your child’s school will be happy to arrange to discuss these with you at a mutually convenient time.

Thank you once again to those of you who contributed to the consultation process; your support is very much appreciated.


CCLT Policy for Relationships, Health and Sex Education

CCLT Agreed Curriculum content for Relationships, Health and Sex Education