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Burton Fields

       Outdoor Learning 

At Burton Fields School, we want our pupils to thrive so that they enjoy learning, lead safe and healthy lives and make a positive contribution to society. We believe we have a responsibility to prepare our pupils for the challenges and opportunities they will face – with the appropriate knowledge, skills and pastoral care.

An important part of this is our outdoor learning provision.  Linked closely to the National Curriculum, we aim to enhance learning and provide our pupils with a deeper understanding of the world and their place within it.

Our outdoor learning lessons are closely linked to our curriculum, particularly Geography, where we develop many skills through outdoor fieldwork.  They also link closely to the Department for Education’s Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy, published April 2022.

Children and young people are worried about climate change and want to know more about the impact it is having now and how it will impact their future lives.

 We will use our Climate Action Plan to identify further topics to explore based on sustainability and climate change, so topics studied include: life-cycles, habitats,  identification, food chains, planting, water pollution, litter picking , deforestation, recycling, reusing, reducing, composting and Fair trade.

What are the aims and objectives of our outdoor learning curriculum?

  1. To know how to reduce our environmental footprint.
  2. To know how climate change is affecting our world.
  3. To be able to influence the wider community to make positive changes.
  4. To be able to suggest and implement positive changes.
  5. To learn more about biodiversity in our local area.
  6. To know how to live more sustainably.
  7. To know about environmental issues around the globe.
  8. To develop skills that can be transferred to green Careers in the future.

We aim to embed a connection to nature within our pupils by:

  • Providing increased opportunity for sensory and physical contact with the natural world.
  • Encouraging pupils to find an emotional bond with, and love for, nature.
  • Encouraging pupils to take time to appreciate the beauty of nature.
  • Encouraging pupils to think about the meaning and signs of nature.
  • Encouraging pupils to show compassion and care for nature.

Throughout our sessions, we make links between the UN Rights of the Child and The Global Goals.  These links  allow our pupils to see their part in the wider world and aim for equality for all.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is the basis of all of UNICEF’s work. It is the most complete statement of children’s rights ever produced and is the most widely-ratified international human rights treaty in history.  Burton Fields School is a Gold Rights Respecting School.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

Where will pupils be going and when will it happen?

Our outdoor learning sessions are based on our school site and take place at least once a week for all year groups. The site is safe, thoroughly risk assessed and managed appropriately by a fully trained Outdoor Learning Coordinator, Miss Lowrie.

What does my child need to bring and when?

What your child wears is very important in order to help keep them safe and comfortable outdoors. We advise:

  • long trousers or leggings
  • long sleeved tops/jumpers
  • coats (waterproof and warm if possible)
  • wellies/ walking boots or old trainers.
  • hat and gloves
  • optional waterproof trousers or all in one wet weather gear (in the winter) 
